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Privacy Policy

1.      Introduction

1.1       South & West Wales Safety Group (SWW Safety Group) holds personal data about its members and organisations for promoting events; encouraging award applications; sending information about health and safety activities, conferences,  meetings, courses etc and chasing membership/course fees

1.2            This notice sets out how the SWW Safety Group seeks to protect personal data and ensure members understand how we use the data.

2.      Scope

2.1            This notice applies to all members, representatives named by an organisation, plus individuals and organisations supporting the SWW Safety Group.

2.2            The SWW Safety Group may supplement or amend this notice by additional information and guidelines from time to time. Notification of any new information or modified notice will be circulated to members by directing them to our web site.

3.      Definitions

3.1            In this notice:

business purposes

Means the purposes for which personal data may be used by the SWW Safety Group, e.g New Membership; Communication of Activities and Events; information relating to health and safety.

personal data

Means information relating to identifiable individuals, such as Executive Committee Members; Members; Associate Members; representatives named by an organisation plus individuals / organisations supporting the SWW Safety Group.

sensitive personal data

Means sensitive personal data such as Names, Addresses and contact details including telephone number and email addresses that the SWW holds.

processing data

Means obtaining, recording, holding or doing anything with data, such as organising, using, altering, retrieving, disclosing or deleting it.

4.      General principles

4.1            The SWW Safety Groups will process personal data in accordance with the applicable data

protection laws and rights of individuals as set out below. All members have personal responsibility for the practical application of the SWW Safety Group’s data protection procedures.

4.2            The SWW Safety Group will observe the following principles in respect of the processing of personal data:

  • to process personal data fairly and lawfully in line with individuals rights;
  • to make sure that any personal data processed for a specific purpose are adequate, relevant and not excessive for that purpose;
  • to keep personal data accurate and up to date;
  • to keep personal data for no longer than is necessary;
  • to keep personal data secure against loss or misuse as far as is reasonable practical;

5.      Fair and lawful processing

5.1            The SWW Safety Group Executive Committee will generally not process personal data unless:

  • the individual whose details are being processed has requested the data be removed
  • the processing is necessary to perform the SWW Safety Group’s legal obligations or exercise legal rights, or
  • the processing is in the SWW Safety Group’s legitimate interests and does not unduly prejudice the individual’s privacy.

5.2            When gathering personal data or establishing new data  activities, the SWW Safety Group will as far as is practical ensure that individuals whose data is being processed receive appropriate  notice to inform them how the data will be used. This applies in particular to new members. There may be limited exceptions to this requirement.

6.      Accuracy, adequacy, relevance and proportionality

6.1            The Group will make sure data processed by them is accurate, adequate, relevant and proportionate for the purpose for which it was obtained. Personal data obtained for one purpose will generally not be used for unconnected purposes unless the individual has agreed to this or would otherwise reasonably expect the data to be used in this way.

6.2            Individuals can ask the SWW Safety Group to correct personal data relating to them which they consider to be inaccurate and SWW Safety Group will correct it.

7.      Security

7.1            The SWW Safety Group users of personal data will ensure as far as practical that it is secure against loss or misuse.  Where the SWW Safety Group uses external organisations to process personal data on its behalf additional security arrangements will be implemented in contracts with those organisations to safeguard the security of personal data. The Executive Committee will consult and discuss the necessary steps to ensure compliance when setting up any new agreement or altering any existing agreement.

8.      Data retention

8.1            Personal data will not be retained for any longer than necessary. The length of time over which data is retained will depend upon the circumstances including the reasons why the personal data were obtained. Once a member or individual ends their relationship/membership of the SWW Safety Group their personal information will be deleted from all records as soon as practical.

9.      International transfer

9.1            The SWW Safety Group will not transfer personal data internationally and/or outside the UK unless there are practical reasons for doing so e.g. a member using an overseas agency to process payments etc.

10.    Rights of individuals

10.1         Individuals are entitled (subject to certain exceptions) to request access to information held about them. All such requests should be referred  to the Chairperson. This is particularly important because SWW Safety Group will respond to a valid request as soon as practical.

10.2         The SWW Safety Group will not send direct marketing material to someone electronically (eg by email) unless there is an existing business relationship with them in relation to the services being marketed. We will not use personal data for direct marketing. What is considered to be direct marketing is currently an area not fully defined. At present we consider that information on conferences, courses. meetings etc. relating to Health and Safety is not direct marketing.

11.    Reporting breaches

11.1         Any member of the SWW Safety Group has an obligation to report actual or potential data protection compliance failures to the Chairperson. This allows the SWW Safety Group to:

  • investigate the failure and take remedial steps if necessary; and
  • make any applicable notifications.

11.2         The SWW Safety Group views compliance with the regulations very important. Failure to comply damages our reputation and standing in the Health and Safety Community and carries a risk of prosecution in the event of a serious breach of the regulation.

11.3         Any member with significant concerns should not hesitate to discuss or report these  to the Executive Committee.

12.    Holders of Personal Data

                  12.1         Officers of the Executive Committee hold personal data of its members.


            You may request that your data be removed by contacting the Secretary and Chairperson