Group Sponsored By

Safety Certificate

based on accident statistics.

Safety Shield

based on your company’s safety plans/programme three awards:one for Large organisations with more than 250 employees,one for Medium organisations with 250 or fewer employees andone for Small organisations with 50 or fewer employees.

President’s Shield

for excellence in Safety Training.

Bernard Mallows
Well-being Award

for initiatives such as health promotion etc.

Roy Hewsons Award

Health and Safety Employee of the Year. For an employee who has made the biggest impact in health and safety either at work on in the safety community in 2019. This award is inclusive to everyone making a difference in their field, including CEOs, consultants, employee safety representatives etc

Community Exellence Award

for contribution to the safety and well-being to the community locally or nationally.   

Applying for an Award

Given the situation with the corona virus we did not have an award scheme for 2020 , 2021, 2022 and 2023. We have set up a panel from our committee to examine our future awards scheme.  The panel have met and the conclusion is below.  An application form will be sent out and appear here shortly. 

The decision this year for our awards in 2024 is that there will only be three shield  awards . There will not be an award for statistics, training, well being and community excellence.  

Our awards scheme has been going since 1968 when a shield for large organisations was inaugurated  and in 1978 a shield for smaller companies/organisations was introduced. Since then we have had awards for small businesses, a training award, a well being award, an employee of the year award and a community excellence award. These awards are highly regarded by our members and robustly competed for.

The award applications are adjudicated by experienced officers of our committee.

Photographs from one of  our awards night are below. 

When we do return to having awards our usual criteria below will apply.

Our awards adjudication panel  do not audit award applications or visit your premises

We rely on the honesty and integrity of our members and confidentiality is assured.

Large quantities of information such as your annual report, safety policy, other reports, photographs etc are not required.

If you engaged in partnership working or supported small organisations etc, brief details would be helpful as would brief details of a business case which led to your safety/health initiatives.