Group Sponsored By


Join the South and West Wales Safety Group and become part of a lively forum, an active support group focusing on matters of occupational safety and health.

At a very affordable membership fee , normally a tax deductible expense membership is open to individuals, business, commercial, industrial and service organisations.

Membership Fees are:

£25 for organisations with 20 or fewer employees

£60 for organisations with between 21 and 250 employees and charities

£100 for organisations with more than 250 employees

£10 for an individual membership (self employed, full time students, unemployed or retired)

Join by post or online today.

It’s now easier than ever to join the group.

Option 1:  Join  by post returning the membership form to us along with a cheque covering the membership fee.

Option 2: Join on line by submitting the webform below and pay via BACS or cheque. 

Benefits of Membership

Membership of the South and West Wales Safety Group gives you access to:

  • Regular members’ meetings, courses, conferences and seminars to keep up to date with developments/changes in the law and in the practice of safety and well being in the workplace. These meetings provide opportunities for networking with your peers and partnering with other professional bodies.
  • Liaising and engaging with organisations such as HSE, Local Authorities, Fire Authorities and Health Boards.
  • Promoting sensible risk assessments to encourage business growth.
  • Enabling SME’s to have a friendly and helpful source of information on safety and occupational health.
  • Use of our logo. Discounts for members with Training providers, Workwear, Barbour publications and  RoSPA membership.
  • Members only on line portal link to resources
  • Certificate of Membership available 
  • Free Croner-i Safety and Environment  platforms. Link Here

Option 1 - Join by post

To join by post , please download a paper copy of the membership form and send it with your remittance to our treasurer:
Sheree Waldman. 1078, Carmarthen Rd, Fforestfach, Swansea, SA5 4AL. 

Your cheque should be made payable to South and West Wales Safety Group. You can also use this form to join by paying via  BACS and e mailing the form  to the email addresses shown in the application form. BACS is the preferred payment  option

Choose Membership 



Option 2 - Join online

To join online, select your membership below and complete the application form. Payment is either by BACS or cheque and please state under ‘Other information / Payment method’ which you are going to use and the amount paid. BACS is the preferred payment option. 

If paying by cheque please send to Sheree Waldman, Treasurer, 1078 Carmarthen Road, Swansea SA5 4AL with your name and/or company name on the back of the cheque.

Cheque payable to South and West Wales Safety Group.

Unfortunately we cannot take payments by credit card.

Our bank details are:    

Barclays, Swansea, Kingsway Branch
Sort Code: 20-84-41     
Account No: 50853569

Choose Membership

Organisation Membership

Individual Membership

South and West Wales Safety Group holds the personal data supplied by members for the purpose of communication with them about group matters. This information will not be divulged to a third party. View our Privacy Policy here.